54 miles Liverpool |
Kings Bridge #96A |
LPool 55 miles
Leeds 72¼ miles |
View towards Whiteley Bridge #97 |
Ewood Aqueduct
Dated 1810 |
55 miles Liverpool |
Hollin Bridge #98 |
Blackburn Locks
Bottom Lock #57 |
Lock #56 |
Bike Sculpture
BWB Sanitary Station |
Lock #55 |
Hall Street Bridge #99A
Lock #54 underneath |
Lock #54 |
Highfield Road Bridge #100 |
Lock #53 |
wide pound below the Top Lock |
Blackburn Top Lock #52
looking towards bridge #101 |
Brewery Bridge #102 |
#102A Audley Bridge
Makers Plaque |
view down to station and cathedral |
Cicely Bridge #103 |
Eanam Wharf |
Under the covered loading wharf |
R&J Rankin |
milepost at the top of a wharf pillar
57 Miles LPool
Leeds 70¼ miles |
Eanam Wharf |
loading bay |
The back of the wharf warehouse |
wharf office buildings |
Eanam Wharf |
Eanam Bridge #103A
under Eanam Bridge #103A |
towards Paradise Bridge #103B |
Interesting stonework of Navigation Mills |
Interesting stonework of Navigation Mills |
Paradise Bridge #103B |
Bank Field cotton mills |
Daisy Field Corn mill with mosque in background |
Sour Milk Hall Bridge #104 |
minarets over Blackburn |
Sour Milk Hall Bridge #104 |
Chimney |
old wharf supports |
Imperial Mill |
Greenbank Bridge #104A |
Imperial Mill |
Imperial Mill |
58 Miles LPool
Leeds 69¼ miles |
Whitebirk |
Whitebirk Bridge#104B |
Towpath Map |
Whitebirk Signpost |
Site of former bridge |